Sleepover Privacy


  1. Have a family plan for sleepovers. Recommended tips:

  2. Everyone has their own sleeping space, no shared beds.

  3. Change alone in bathroom with the door locked.

  4. Know who will be in the house: older siblings? Cousins? Visitors?

  5. What is the cell phone or other device policy?

  6. Is there child-safety installs on media platforms and/or internet?

  7. How can my child get a hold of me if they want to talk?

  8. Do you have a code-word for “pick me up now”?

Once upon a time, a group of cousins named Emma, Jaylen, Mia, and Lou planned an epic sleepover at Emma's house. They brought their favorite sleeping bags, stuffed animals, and lots of snacks. Emma's living room was cozy, with fairy lights twinkling above them. 

They were staying in the living room so that their parents could keep an eye on them.

As they settled in, Emma had a great idea. "Let's make sure everyone has some privacy, just like at home," she said. The friends agreed, and they came up with creative ways to respect each other's space.

They each set out their sleeping bags and promised not to share that space to keep their privacy overnight.

Jake found a string and some blankets. "We can make a small curtain with these," he suggested. Together, they hung the blankets on the string, creating a little private area where anyone could go if they needed a moment alone or if it was time to change out of their bathing suits after swimming.

Mia pulled out her diary and smiled. "I'll write my thoughts here," she said. "Diaries are great for writing my thoughts down and keeping them private."

Liam, who loved building things, made a tiny fort out of pillows and blankets. "This can be our quiet corner," he explained. "Anyone who wants some alone time can use it."

Throughout the night, they played games, told stories, and had a fantastic time. If someone needed a break or some privacy, they used the curtain, the diary, or the quiet corner.

The friends learned that respecting each other's privacy made their sleepover more fun and special. They promised to remember the importance of giving each other space, even during the most exciting adventures.

And so, the great sleepover privacy adventure ended with everyone feeling happy, respected, and closer than ever before.