About Honesty Works

About Honesty Works

Welcome to Honesty Works, a beacon of hope and advocacy in the mission to help heal survivors and protect children from the scourge of sexual abuse and to break the cycle of abuse in America. Founded by a survivor of multiple sexual abuse incidents and former elementary school teacher, this organization is driven by a deep commitment to fostering safety, awareness, and healing.


The mission is simple: to stop the statistics of 1:10 children being sexually assaulted by the age of 18 and help survivors heal and thrive.

What I Do

At Honesty Works, I offer a range of services aimed at raising awareness, providing education, and offering support to individuals and communities:

  • Parenting & Grief Support: I offer support services and resources for survivors on their journey toward healing and empowerment. Through workbooks, 1:1 couching and grief recovery classes, summits and resources, I aim to assist parents in combatting PTSD symptoms to parent peacefully.

  • Training Workshops: I provide comprehensive training workshops on abuse awareness, right response techniques, de-escalation strategies, and more, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize signs of abuse and respond effectively.

Join Us in the Fight

At Honesty Works, each healed person creates a safer childhood for others, and this in turn changes the world. Through honest discussions, we can end the stigma and shame that surrounds sexual abuse and abuse of all kinds, and prevent it from happening in the next generation. Join us in our mission to create a safer world for children and survivors of abuse through honest work.

Meet the Founder.

Chelsea Furr is a dynamic, passionate advocate for keeping children safe from sexual abuse. A survivor herself, she is a powerful presenter of common sense techniques and practices for adults to keep the children in their care safe. A certified violence and abuse prevention specialist and Grief Recovery Method Specialist Coach, Chelsea brings years of experience to the stage to help you grow as a parent and keep your children safe.

For years, Chelsea struggled with the aftermath of abuse. Through the work of being honest, therapy, training, extensive study and self-care, she has created an incredible life for herself and her family, where every child is safe. As a certified k-12 teacher and 30-year veteran of healing, as well as being a mother of five, she loves sharing her parenting tips, good reads and practical insights to parent groups, teachers, administrators and other adults in charge. In addition to this, Chelsea is one of those easy to love people that children identify with and recognize as a safe person who can help them grow. Delighting in her chickens, goats, horses, children and husband, she is a full-time grief and recovery coach and presenter, author and advocate.