Grief recovery is important work. If you are struggling with unresolved grief, reach out. I’m here to help you process and move into a happier, healthier life.

Grief is a normal and natural reaction to any type of loss. When we have experienced abuse in any form as children (and as adults), we are often stuck in a grieving pattern. The losses include:

  1. Loss of Innocence

  2. Loss of Trust

  3. Loss of Body Autonomy

The Grief Recovery Method, by John James, is a fundamental tool for those of us who have experienced loss and continue to struggle with recovering a full life. Attached is a brief Grief Recovery Guide that is an excellent first step in identifying the signs of grief and completing the grieving process. This is available on the Grief Recovery Institute’s website at

Mini HandBook of Grief Recovery Steps

An interesting video about the recovery process for deep grief and trauma, worth a listen.

Can We Recover from Trauma?


Book Recommendations